As Republican Congressional members seek to destroy and demonize the EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] by supporting legislation that would block the EPA's ability to regulate greenhouse gas emissions under the Clean Air Act, take this time to get the truth, not the facts.
The truth, The Tea Party Congress has dismantled EPA rules that protect against industry destroying our country with greenhouse pollution, mercury, coal ash, and mountaintop removal. By a veto-proof margin, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to prohibit Clean Water Act limits on pesticide pollution of lakes, streams, and rivers. Lobbyists for industrial agriculture polluters are cheering the measure which would bar the Environmental Protection Agency from requiring farmers or companies to comply with the Clean Water Act when using pesticides on or near water sources.
The truth, America's future cannot be shaped by the Tea Party, they’re fabricated and odious agenda is aimed at creating a class divide that would relegate millions of Americans to Second-Class Citizenship. Theirs [the tea party] is a neo-fascist movement to limit the legal rights, civil rights and economic opportunities for working class Americans, while at the same time destroying our environmental protections for the benefit of big business. The GOP and their Tea Party henchman have already begun the disenfranchisement of millions by injudiciously stripping the EPA of the ability to protect us from polluters who are poisoning our land, air, and water. Fight for the Environment. Fight for your rights. Fight the power.
Anthony Chiles